About us

My name is Hidayatullah, people know me better as Hidayat Kampai. I come from West Sumatra with Minang ethnicity. I was born in Kambang, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province, I grew up in Jakarta.
I studied as an accountant and worked since 2007 until now as a professional accountant, software developer, trainer and digital marketing activist. I am the founder of the Indonesian Professional Auditor Community an Bina UMKM Indonesia.
I teach on campus for auditing, financial accounting, Accounting information systems since 2006 until now. I teach in several dictionaries such as Bina Nusantara University, Trisakti University, Trisakti School of Management, Mercubuana University, Lampung Accounting Academy, Bandar Lampung University and IIB Darmajaya.
My Life Motto "Life is short so we must do more for the world than the world gives us"
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